Some Morphological Studies on the Quadratomandibular joint of Ostrich (Struthio camelus)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Veterinary medicine, Minia University, Egypt


The current study aimed to give detailed information about the morphology of the quadratomandibular
joint in ostrich. This study was done on fifteen ostrich heads of both sex. The gross morphological
features of the articular surfaces and capsule associated with the joint were thoroughly investigated. At
the quadratomandibular joint the quadrate bone is interposed between the mandible, jugal and pterygoid
on the one hand and the squamous and basisphenoid bones on the other hand with a congruent articular
surfaces. The joint capsule contains elastic fibers, with two main condensations, the rostral one, the
quadrojugalmandibular ligament, and a very strong caudal one, occipitomandibular ligament. suitable
sites for the intra-articular injection of this joint in ostrich was determined, which might be useful in
treatment joints affections. Computed tomographic imaging of the quadratomandibular joint was used
for evaluation due to its contrast resolution and its ability to have imaging for demonstration of the
functionality of the joint. Relevant normal anatomy and results of were discussed for better
understanding of the joint morphology.
