Neuromodulatory Influences of vitamin C on D-galactose Induced Neuronal Metabolic Dysfunction Model

Document Type : Original Article


1 Biochemistry Department Faculty of Veterinary Medicine , Banha University

2 Health radiation research, National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt


Aging is a physiological, non-pathological process that occurs mainly as a slow, gradual, and passive procedure influenced by interplay of numerous genetic and environmental influences. Different ways have been tried to postponement aging and extent life span in animals, dietary anti-oxidants are one of them. Depending on the metabolic and free radical theories of aging, this work was carried out to evaluate the use of vitamin C in delaying the aging promoter. D galactose shedding the light on aging mechanisms underlying the anti-aging variations on both the molecular and the physiological level. Aging was enhanced by injecting rats subcutaneously with D galactose in a dose of 100 mg for 8 weeks brain tissues were subjected to analysis determining the level of serotonin, dopamine and nor epinephrine. D galactose caused down regulation of both serotonin and dopamine while nor epinephrine went up, such alteration has been resisted in rats administrated vitamin C. Thus we can conclude that anti-oxidants could prevent the age related brain deterioration.


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