Chemical and mycological evaluation of sweetened condensed and evaporated milks in Menofia governorate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Animal Health Research Institute, Shibin EL Koom branch, Department of Food Hygiene

2 Animal Health Research Institute, Shibin EL Koom branch, Department of Mycology


Fifty random samples of imported concentrated milk (25 each of sweetened condensed and evaporated milk)
were collected from different supermarkets in Menofia Governorate for chemical and mycological
examination. The mean values of total solids, fat, protein, sucrose contents and sugar/water ratio in the
examined sweetened condensed milk samples were 29±0.31, 8.5±1.3, 7.9±1.1, 43±0.32 and 61.91±0.35,
respectively. While, the mean values of total solids, fat and protein contents in examined evaporated milk
samples were25.7±1.1, 8.5±0.23 and 7.1±1.0, respectively. Mold and yeast were detected in both sweetened
condensed and evaporated milk. Aspergillus and Pencillium genera were frequently isolated than other genera
of fungi. Aspergillus spp. were isolated with percentage of (32%) and (44%) from sweetened condensed and
evaporated milk respectively. A. flavus was the most dominant the examined samples with percentage
of (87.5%)and (27.5%) from sweetened and evaporated milk respectively. From yeast isolated the genus
Saccharomyces was the most dominant in the contaminated sweetened condensed milk samples (40%),
followed by Rhodotorula (12%), then genus Candida (8%).While from evaporated milk the isolated yeast were
Rhodotorula, Candida, and Saccharomyces with percentage (12%), (8%)and (4%), respectively
