Prevalence and molecular characterization of Pseudomonas species in frozen imported meat

Document Type : Original Article


1 Food Control Dept., Fac. Vet. Med., Benha University

2 Animal Health Research Institute, Shbin Elkoom


A total of 90 random samples of Frozen American, Brazilian and Indian meat samples (30 of each) were collected from
different retail shops and supermarkets in EL-Menofeya Governorate at different production dates. The collected samples
were examined bacteriologically and by using PCR tecnique for detection of Pseudomonas species, especially
Ps.aeruginosa. There for , Ps. aeruginosa , Ps.alcaligenes , Ps.cepacia , Ps. fluorescence , Ps. proteolytica , Ps.
Psychrophila, Ps. putrifaciens, Ps.thermotolerans, Ps. versicularis , Ps. fragi,Ps.Putida Ps.orientalis and Ps.stutzeri were
isolated from 2(6.67%), 5 (16.67%), 1 (3.33%), 14 (46.67%), 8 (26.67%), 3(10%), 10 (33.33%),6(20%), 1 (3.33%) and
zero for Ps.fragi,Ps.Putida,Ps.orientalis and Ps.stutzeri for frozen American meat samples ,3 (10%) , 8 (26.67%) , 1
(3.33%) , 19 (63.33%),5(16.67%), 7 (23.33%), 13(43.33%), 9 ( 30%) 3(10%) , 2(6.67%) , 1(6.67%) and zero for
Ps.orientalis one Ps.stutzeri , for frozen Brazilian meat samples, 6(20%),9(30%),4 (13.33%),25(83.33%),6 (20%),
11(36.67),19(63.33%) , 13(43.33%), 4(13.33%), 3(10%), 3(10%), 1(3.33%) and 2(6.67%) for frozen Indian meat
samples, respectively. Regarding to Ps.aeruginosa the total number and percentage of ps.aeruginosa were 2(6.67%) ,
3(10%) and 6(20%) for American , Brazilian and Indian frozen meat, respectively with total result of (12.22%). By using
PCR technique, the all examined samples by conventional method showed positive result by both of PCR and
conventional method to Pseudomonas species. On the other hand of Ps. aeruginosa was detected in one sample of Indian
meat by conventional method while it showed negative result by PCR technique
