A study of outer membrane protein (OMPs) genes for detection of salmonella organisms in poultry farms

Document Type : Original Article


1 Bacteriology, Immunology and Mycology Dep., Fac. Vet. Med. Banha Univ.

2 Microbiology Dep., Fac. Vet. Med, Zagazig Univ.

3 Serology Dep., animal health institute, Dokki


Bacteriological examination of internal organs obtained from diseased layers, broilers and baby chicks
revealed isolation of salmonellae with an incidence 5%, 2.5% and 7.1%, respectively. Eleven
Salmonella isolates were recovered out of 250 poultry samples. The highest percentage rate was in liver
4%, followed by intestine 2.4% and finally spleen 0.8%. Salmonella organisms were recovered from
ovary of layers with an incidence 3.33%. Serological identification of Salmonella isolates revealed that
the most prevalent serovars was. Enteritidis (3) followed by. Gallinarum (2) and Rissen (2) then S.
Kentukey, S. Florida, S. Lomita and S. Sontheim (one isolate for each). The goal of this study was to
evaluate the suitability of the outer membrane genes OmpA and OmpF for detection of Genus
Salmonella in clinical samples. OmpA gene was detected in 100% of the examined clinical samples
while OmpF gene was detected in 14 clinical samples. Three samples were positive by OmpF.PCR more
than cultural method. It was concluded that PCR protocol decrease the time needed for the detection of
Salmonella OmpA gene couldn't discriminate genus Salmonella from other non-Salmonella organisms
in clinical samples .AS it amplified OmpA in other Enterobacteriaceae. However, OmpF gene is
promising tool for detection of Genus Salmonella
