Serological pervasiveness of FMDV infection among cattle and buffaloes in Qualubeyia, Egypt, 2013-2014

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Virology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University

2 Animal Health Research Institute, Benha Branch


Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is the most important contagious viral disease affect all cloven hoofed
animals, causes an economic loss. The present study aimed for studying serological pervasiveness of
Foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) in Qualubeyia Governorate during 2013-2014. It was carried out
on 400 serum samples. Antibodies against FMDV nonstructural protein using FMD Blocking ELISA in
cattle and buffalo were 70 (35%), 60 (30%) out of 200 serum samples for each species. The Over all
positive percent of FMDV antibodies in sera of cattle and buffaloes were higher by ELISA than by SNT.
Direct detection of FMDV serotypes in tongue epithelial samples using ELISA showed positive result
for FMDV serotype O in 3 out of 40 samples (7.5%). Trials for isolation of FMDV from ELISA positive
samples on BHK-21 cell showed positive results with one out of 3 samples that was confirmed as FMDV
serotype O using RT-PCR. Finally, it was concluded that antibodies against serotypes O, A and SAT2
FMDV was prevalent in both infected and vaccinated animals using different types of ELISA kits that
served as the most suitable, rapid and sensitive techniques. Also, antigen detection ELISA was rapid and
more reliable than isolation followed by virus detection for direct diagnosis of different serotypes of
FMDV in samples.
