Detection of adulteration in some traditional processed meat products with equine meat

Document Type : Original Article


1 Food Hygiene Dep., Fac. Vet. Med. Benha Univ.,

2 Food Hygiene Dep., Face. Vet. Med. Benha Univ

3 Health Research Institute - “Shebin El-Kom” branch

4 3Animal Health Research Institute - “Shebin El-Kom” branch.


Sixty random samples of minced meat and sausage each weighting 250 gm (30 of each) were collected from different butchers (15 of each), processing plants (15 of each), in Menofiya and Gharbiya governorates for detection of their adulteration by illegal substitution with cheaper or prohibited meat. Application of PCR technique for detection of adulteration of such products purchased from butcher shops was given, 11 samples of minced meat (73.33%) and 11 samples of sausage (73.33%) were not adulterated, respectively. while 4 samples (26.67%) of minced meat were adulterated (3 samples 20% adulterated by intermixed cattle and equine meat and 1 sample 6.67% adulterated by pure equine meat) and 4 samples (26.67%) of sausage were adulterated (1 sample samples 6.67% adulterated by intermixed cattle and equine meat and 3 samples 20% adulterated by pure equine meat), respectively. Concerning minced meat and sausage samples purchased from processing plants was given, 15 samples (100%) and 13 samples (86.67%) were not adulterated, respectively, (0%) of minced meat were adulterated and 2 samples (13.33%) of sausage were adulterated (1 sample samples 6.67% adulterated by intermixed cattle and pig meat and 1 samples 6.67% adulterated by intermixed cattle and equine meat), respectively. Finally, the obtained data in the current study, PCR technique was the most rapid and accurate method for detection and identification of the meat related to animal species as compared with Precipitation test.


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