Demonstration of some food borne pathogens in different meat products: a comparison between conventional and innovative methods

Document Type : Original Article


1 Research assistant at Animal Health research institute

2 Professor of food Hygiene and control Department (meat hygiene) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Benha University

3 Professor of Meat Hygiene Food Hygiene and Control Dept (meat hygiene) Fac. of Vet. Medicine Benha University

4 Chief Researcher of Microbiology and Director of Animal Health Research Institute, Benha Branch


This study was conducted on 100 random samples of meat products viz: (minced meat, kofta, burger and sausage 25 of each). They were collected from different shops at El-Kaliobia Governorate, to be examined for bacteriological evaluation and detection of Escherichia coli and salmonella. These samples were examined for such pathogens by conventional bacteriological methods and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Concerning E. coli bacteriological results revealed the prevalence in minced meat, kofta, burger and sausage was (16%, 12%, 24%, 12%) respectively, While the prevalence of salmonella was 1% in minced meat. In contrast, kofta, burger and sausage were free from salmonella. Accordingly the traditional method is laborious, time consuming and less accurate as it could not detect some positive Salmonella and E.coli samples. Whilst PCR method was found to be accurate, sensitive, and remarkably low cost and shortening the time needed for the pathogenic agent identification. On other hand multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (m-PCR) was applied for detection of genes responsible for enterotoxins production from identified salmonella and E.coli.


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