Assessment of Bacterial Contamination of Cattle Carcasses at Gharbia Abattoirs

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Food Hygiene and Control, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University

2 Animal Health Research Institute;Dokki

3 Food Hygiene andControl Dept., Fac.Vet.Med., Benha Univ.


The bacteriological examinations were carried out to evaluate the degree of bacterial contamination in cattle carcasses at abattoirs of Gharbia Governorate. A grand total of 100 random swab samples from cattle carcasses were collected in the year of 2018, under complete aseptic conditions just after washing and before stamping from different abattoirs and transferred without undue delay to the Laboratory of Animal Health Research Institute, Tanta lab, and subjected to the bacteriological examination. The obtained results indicated that the mean values of APC. At the region of fore quarter, hind quarter and abdomen were 1.09x109 ± 0.47x109, 1.61x109 ± 0.74x109 and 1.19x109±0.78x109cfu/g, respectively. While the mean values of Coliform count at the previous regions were4.78x105 ± 3.82x105, 1.30x105 ± 6.57x104 and 1.42x105± 1.27x106cfu/g, respectively, and the mean values of total Staphylococcal count were 2.39x107 ± 8.57x106,2.76x107 ± 7.50x106 and 3.56x107± 1.54x107cfu/g, respectively.The means of all counts showed non-significant difference (P < 0.05)


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