Chemical studies on shelf life time of chilled chicken meat

Document Type : Original Article


1 Meat hygiene. Veterinary medicine banha university. Banha. Egypt

2 Department of food hygiene and control, Faculty of veterinary medicine, Benha University, Qalubia, Egypt

3 Department of food Hygiene and control, Faculty of veterinary medicine, Benha university, Qalubia, Egypt

4 Department of food hygiene, Animal Health research institute, Dokki, Giza, Egypt


Different trails were applied to chicken meat to prolong their shelf life by adding spices such as clove, ginger, soy sauce and mixture of them and keep the sample at 4 degree C at the refrigerator and the samples were examined 2 days interval till it's decomposition. A total of 180 chicken samples divided into control samples and samples treated with spices were analyzed for determination of keeping quality tests as: pH, thiobarbituric acid (TBA), total volatile base nitrogen (TVBN), and sensory evaluation (color, odor and taste) by score number provided by panelists. The results showed that the mean value of pH, TBA, TVBN in all the treated samples through all the storage period (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th) were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than the control samples with best results in the mixture spiced samples in the keeping quality indices, and higher color, odor and taste scores in the treated samples than the control, which resulted in extension of the shelf life till 11 days in the treated samples, while in the mixture samples exceeds 11 days, however the control sample reaches 7 days only. These results concluded that spices are very important as a natural antioxidant against lipid oxidation in chicken samples. So, it needs more attention in the processing of chicken and meat products.


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