Hygienic evaluation of Meat Handlers and equipment in meat preparation Sector in some markets in Qalyubia Governorate

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Meat Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, Egypt.


Ninety meat products samples of Beef burger, kofta and sausage were collected from two retail sales markets (A&B) in Kalyouia Governorate, Egypt. They were examined for detection of incidence of Salmonellae and E. coli bacteria to evaluate the sanitary condition of such retail sales. Additionally, the detection of food poisoning microorganisms from food handlers, table surfaces and knifes used in meat preparation was also carried out. Accurately, S. aureus was isolated from 20% of worker hands and table surfaces swabs while it was isolated from 30% of knives swabs in market A, while the results obtained from the swabs of worker hands, table surfaces and knives in the market B was 30%, 30% and 40%, respectively. However, E. coli organism was isolated from 10% of worker hands and knives in the market A and 20% from knives and 10% from worker hands and table surfaces in the market B. Furthermore, Salmonellae organism not detected in the examines swaps samples of the markets A and B. Regarding the results obtained from examined meat samples of beef burger and kofta was 6.67% from (each) in the market A, while isolated from 6.67 %, 6.67% and 20% from beef burger, Kofta and sausage respectively in market B.


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