Document Type : Original Article
Fac. Vet. Med., Benha Univ
Food control Dept., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha Univ., Egypt
Food Hygiene Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Banha university
Chief Researcher of Microbiology and Director of Animal Health Research Institute, Benha Branch
It is evident that members of enterobacteriacae are one of the most incriminated bacterial food poisoning causes, Salmonella serovars and pathogenic E. coli may be responsible for more than 15% of reported annual food poisoning cases; and with increasing price of beef and poultry meats, consumer’s fish meat desire and demand has been increased; so, the study aimed to spotlight on the prevalence of enterobacteriacae members in some raw Nile fishes represented by 100 samples of Oreochromusnilotica(tilapia) and Bagrus bayad(Bayad) “50 of each”;samples were collected from different retail markets in Benha city, Qalubiya governorate, Egypt. Results revealed that 94% and 16% of examined samples were contaminated with enterobacteriacae and coliform bacteria, with mean counts 2.65×103, 1.81×103 CFU\g for tilapia samples, and 2.07×103, 1.74×103 CFU\g for bayad samples, respectively; bacteriological classification of enterobacteriacae isolates revealed detection of Citerobacterdiversus, Citrobacterfreundii, E. coli, Enterobacteraerogenes, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiellaoxytoca, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Yarseniaenterocolitica in variable percentages; 13% of examined samples were contaminated with E. coli,while 4% of examined tilapia samples only were contaminated with Yarseniaenterocolitica; but salmonella could not be detected in both tilapia and bayad samples. It is obvious that raw fishes may harbor bacterial contamination of significant health importance, so thorough cooking and processing hygienic practices are strongly recommended.
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